
Showing posts from July, 2017

July makes me think about 2

So when we landed in AZ, we went to visit all of our family first. We didn't go sight seeing right away, but if you've ever been to AZ you'll know that the whole state is a sight to see (see what I did there:D)! Here are a couple shots I got on Day 1! This is the view from one of the back yards! Could you imagine waking up to this EVERY DAY?!! Now p repare your self for a bunch of photos because i n my next post I will show you guys the photos I took on our travels through the mountains!! It's seriously one of those things you have to experience on your own. It doesn't matter how many photos you take or changing the setting on your camera, the only way to capture  the pure beauty of these place is to visit them in real life. If you ever have enough money for a plan ticket anywhere, GO WEST!!!!

July makes me think about 1

Part 1 of hopefully not too many:)  I went to Arizona with my cousin a few years back and lets just say, I took a lot of pictures.This was my first chance to take some really cool shots in a really cool part of the country. We have family out there, so we got to drive around with the locals. We didn't get to see everything we wanted to see, but that just gives me a reason to go back! I had a huge plan with these photos and videos from this trip. I wanted to create this cool video about the trip. Who knows, maybe I will still make it! But for now, why don't we enjoy some of the photos I took. First are some shots from the plane ride... My cousin Bradley aka travel pal Peace out Louisville!! Hello AZ!!! Stay tuned for more!


Happy 4th of July!!! I hope everyone had fun celebrating our country's independence! Here are some cool shots I got from this years weekend celebration! And finally, the after math...needless to say, it was a really good show!