What a great way to bring in 2020

I know it’s cliché, but self reflection is important 😁

New Years resolution

Get ready for the long New Years post about how to be a better person- new year new me, am I right? Just kidding, it’s not that, but kinda?

Well the past year I have been trying to better myself in so many different ways. I’m trying to be a better sister, a better daughter, a better partner, or just a better human in general. I’ve created this list of things I’ve been doing- that I think makes this life a little more bearable. Some of these things I have paid more attention to in the last year and some of these things I need to work on more. Overall, I think if we can just take the time to be more mindful and selfless, life maybe won’t suck as bad  as it does for some of us. There’s that thing called karma- what goes around, comes around. Well I figured it works the same if you put positivity in the universe, more positive things will happen to you. But you have to be selfless about it, you can’t do these things with intentions of you getting something out of it. Anyways, here’s my list of things I’ve been working on:

*Don’t block the intersection- leave room for cars to turn or if the light changes you aren’t in the way.
*Don’t merge at the last second- it just creates more traffic for all of us to sit in.
*Floss- I learned this the hard way, it’s apparently very important. 
*Recycle- #SaveThePlanet
*Donate/volunteer more- there will always be people in need, donating your clothes or gently used or not at all used items to local shelters is so much better than Goodwill. Research the organization before you donate. And volunteering- I know it’s difficult to do when we’re all working so much to pay the bills. Be a mentor to someone, work a food kitchen once a month/week. Something simple that you don’t have to take too much time from your busy schedule to do. 
*Encourage your kids and yourself to be friends with people that don’t look like them/you- I think this is the most important one. There are so many different people in this world, let alone our country. There are 400+ languages spoken in the United States. Don’t let this discourage you. That just means we aren’t the only ones living here- AND THAT’S OKAY. Make new friends, learn about their culture, educate yourself. 
*Empower others- especially when someone does something you couldn’t or can’t do. Ask them to teach you their ways. Support, guide, teach others- never stop doing this. 
*Listen when someone is talking to you- you don’t always have to respond. You don’t always have to have the answer. Sometimes people just want to be heard. I saw this meme that said, ‘do you want advice or do you just want to vent’. Ask your friends/family/strangers when they talk to you about something. Just know that you can give all the right answers or advice in the world, but you can’t make someone do something you said. Just continue to support and be there when they need you.
*Ask for help- I know it isn’t easy asking for help but there are people in your life that will do their best to be there for you when you ask. It’s okay to need or ask for help. We’re all human and sometimes we just need a break or help figuring something out. 

I hope this is encouraging or at the very least you say to yourself, “I have been working on that”. This is a list for me that I wanted to share with you. I am curious though- is there anything that isn’t on this list that you would add?

Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2020 is good to us all 🖤


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