Where it all started

Lets go back to when I finally upgraded from a Nikon Coolpix camera...

It was Christmas 2013 when I received my camera from Santa. My first pictures were of my dogs and little brother, of course. Because who wouldn't want to fill up their SD card with fur babies and a chubby cheeked toddler!!

For the first few months of 2014 we had some crazy weather. I remembered it snowed one week...

...and literally the next week it was all gone. It was even warm enough to go on a little photo shoot around town. Which was a perfect time for me to try out my new camera!

Surprisingly enough...it snowed again. It was the last snow of the year, so we had to go outside and play!

After our final snow, the weather changed and needless to say- the flowers started blooming! Stay tuned to check out some more photos!


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